
The Process

Complimentary first meeting to establish whether we are a good fit.

Meeting/s to craft your ceremony Your package will determine how many of these you will be eligible for, however one or two meetings generally do the trick.

Phone calls/emails/Facetime or other forms of communication to interact and polish your ceremony. Nothing is a problem, no amount of changes are too many although often I’ve found that it is just a sentence here or there.

Rehearsal where you and your attendants, along with others who are doing readings or playing music come together to understand how to move, when to move, and generally who plays what role. I’ll also advise how best to stand for photographs to ensure that your day is captured beautifully. I reassure anyone who needs reassurance, and my goal is that everyone leaves the rehearsal comfortable with the part that they play. This is best done at the venue. This helps me to understand who I should approach on your day to check on and put at ease.

I arrive early enough to your ceremony to check that the venue is set up as you planned, check the PA system, liaise with vendors, and ensure that the paperwork is in place. Afterwards, I provide a signed copy of your papers to someone for safekeeping.